Wednesday, July 10, 2002

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Phase 3 of the Cybertext Communication Proposal

This is the phase where you will begin to see the advantages of the training in phases 1 and 2. At this point we will introduce the color only font set of the second phase to an animated cybertext grafix interface called CYBERFACE . the conventional text will be "plugged in " to the Cyberface and converted to the color only font set. It will then be ready for animated viewing, with the click of a button the text will begin to display its self. To better understand just exactly what this will look like in reality, try to imaging a grey tunnel being displayed onscreen. If you press your mouse button once and move the mouse forward, the tunnel begins to move tward you push further forward on the mouse and it begins moving faster. now the words as they will be in color only format will only appear as stripes on the wall of the tunnel as you pass them. At this point after the training of phase 1 and 2 if the reader has sufficiently mastered them, will be able to understand and comprehend exactly what is being displayed. I dont believe the speed increase mentioned on other pages will occur over night per say but I do believe It will happen quite fast (where learning to read is concerned. and My evidence to support this assumption that there will be an increase is this , letters ar being displayed in a more clear maner , larger text size , potential to allow eyes to relax , and the idea that there will be less restriction to the natural flow of information. after all it will be "seen " much in the same way the spoken word is heard.
one word at a time.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
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